Just Watch Me

Just Watch Me

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Time After Time.. My year in a blog.. Although, not a very good one at that >.>

A year? Almost an entire year since i've last posted on this? wow!!
I don't believe it. my life got in the way. not just my boring life.. my school life.
man have things changed;
1. i'm once again single
2. my friendship with once person in particular has hit ground zero and is on the rocks
3. meanwhile, another one has boosted in brownie points that not even i would have thought possible
4. i had the best partying experience of my life
5. i no longer go to school :)
6. i totally can't think of anything else to write right now :s oh! my writing style on this may change.. only cause im purely too blegh to pick it up heh..

my bitches ;)
haha! im totally kidding.. these are but a but a few snippets of my schooling life and last days thereof..
the first being a snap of my group.. james > alex > jan (yarn) > aimee and kayla.. missing belinda!! "where the hell was she" i  think to myself..
and then DA BOYZ! or the Wog Squad.. Georgey :) and Aaron and Nick <3 I'ma miss them guys a lot. math will never be the same again. 
and grad: jan > belinda > me > alex > kayla > steven and g. browny brown (year co-ordinator)

and so, my life story in about 300 words or less of the events that beheld my existence for this year:
1. me and my man broke up. pressure. stress. relationships. urges. THAT. i dont feel comfortable talking about it... 
2. remember how i got jealous of my best friend for being obsessed and talking and falling for the other guy i was to die for? well... theyre together.. still. still arguing, still fucking, still laughing, crying and breathing ><
i can't stand either one of them anymore. one two many nerves have been struck by their behaviour. blegh!
3. steven ^ guy in white above. family friend. best friend. new best friend. cloosee ayeee ;) friend :)
seriously, i don't know what to do there.. it's like a lingering and unanswered question that constantly nags in my brain about should we or shouldnt we take another step? but of course, pessimism takes a hold and i push it back :( sometimes i just want to hit myself for all the opportunities i could have taken ! argh!!
4. Graduation. Formal. Afterparty. Party party party!!!! I had the best night of my life. kissing a guy i never thought i would have.. not steven though.. we discussed this several times >< drinking, hugging, sitting, tallking, sipping, stealing, getting drunk. late nights <3 my kind of celebratory experience! wooo!
5. as you could probably already tell, i no longer go to school. im currently studying for my HSC exams. right now? as i type this all over my math notes... i procrastinate returning to the one subject i absolutely loathe with a passion. the hate for math runs in my family anyway, so its understandable that should i fail.. it's okay... cause so did my dad and his mum.. heh.. kinda makes me feel better, but only just a tad :S
6. the last point. to blabber on about anything. hows this for a very cut short year experience in 6 points or less/ 300 words?! i think its quacking awesome :)

gah! i bid thee all farewell. i tire of studying, but i must continue for the security of a good ATAR (HSC mark). good reading, good writing, good day, farewell :)